Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand on Unsplash
This month, we’re not only called to get curious about the world around us by connecting with others and pursuing experiences that stimulate our minds, we’re called to do it with heart, especially as chatty Mercury spends time in tenderhearted Cancer (beginning June 4) and passionate Leo (beginning June 26). One reason for this comes courtesy of the New Moon in communicative Gemini on June 3, followed by love planet Venus entering Gemini on June 8. With the help of the New Moon and Venus in Gemini, we should find ourselves eager to learn, try new things, and make new friends along the way.
Though with chatty Mercury entering tenderhearted Cancer on June 4, followed by Cancer season kicking off on June 21, we’re called to make our connections, conversations, and actions count. And with the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17, the message of the month is clear—if it doesn’t contribute to our growth or make a meaningful contribution, it’s time to let it go. Wherever we may have been overly optimistic or avoiding seeing things as they are, we can look to dreamy Neptune in compassionate Pisces beginning its five month retrograde on the 21st to help clear away the fog.
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
Your zone of ideas and communication will be lit up this month, helping you to welcome in new projects, information, and people. It all begins with a New Moon in Gemini on June 3, which should spark your curiosity and your eagerness to connect with others in a way that you haven’t before. With Venus entering Gemini by June 8, it’s the perfect time for engaging in any activity that expands your skills, feeds your curiosity, and helps you share your thoughts and ideas with a bigger audience.
Venus in Gemini will be blessing you with the right amount of charm to help you make the right connections and your words to land perfectly. And with chatty Mercury entering tenderhearted Cancer (your zone of home and family) on the 4th, you’re encouraged to share your words and ideas in a way that helps foster community and build lifelong relationships. At the same time, Mercury in Cancer will encourage you focus on things that deeply resonate with you rather than spreading yourself thin. Hosting Mercury in this zone can also help you better connect with family and find fun in DIY home projects.
Though home and family won’t be your only focus this month. On the 17th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your zone of travel, education, and opportunity. Around this date you could expect to hear news about an exciting prospect that takes you overseas or broadens your mind or life experience in some way. If you have something to share with the public, look to this moon to help you spread the word wide and far.
On June 21, the Sun follows Mercury and moves into Cancer, bringing the spotlight back to home and family. This could motivate you to buy or sell your home or begin the hunt for a new apartment. Though overall, whenever planets in Cancer show up, it’s always about doing what you can to nurture yourself, improve your sense of security, and spending time with the people you love. On that same day, dreamy Neptune begins its five-month retrograde in Pisces, your zone of rest and retreat. Under this Neptune retrograde in Pisces, you might find yourself feeling more intuitive yet sensitive to the energy of others. Luckily, Mercury’s move to Leo (your zone of romance and creativity) on the 26th, will give you a place to channel the divine inspiration coming through while also helping you find fun ways to blow off any unwanted energy.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20):
Money is on your mind for a good chunk of this month, thanks to the New Moon and Venus in Gemini activating your zone of income and possessions. The action begins on June 3, with the new moon ushering in a new financial chapter for you. Between this moon and magnetic Venus entering Gemini on the 8th, you’re invited to apply for a new job or initiate any plan designed to help you boost or stabilize your income.
Overall, the first half of the month consists of you finding new and improved ways to get what you want while recognizing that you deserve it. As a fixed sign, you tend to be apprehensive of change but allow the power of Gemini to bring you some refreshment where you need it most right now. If lack has been an issue for you, use this time to adopt a new money mantra or outlook on abundance. Luckily, analytical Mercury will be moving to intuitive Cancer on the 4th and into your zone of communication. With Mercury here, you’re encouraged to see beyond your current limitations and challenge an outdated way of thinking.
Speaking of breaking free of limitations, on the 17th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights your zone of intimacy and finances. Picking up from what the New Moon in Gemini started, look to ways you can break free of what limits you financially or emotionally. Sometimes things need to fall apart in order for you to build a better version of yourself and the things that you’re creating.
Expect this full moon to push you to face your fears. Come the 21st, when the confident Sun moves into Cancer, the Universe motivates you to take up a new skill that improves your marketability and your depth of knowledge. Be open to meeting and greeting new people who may have useful ideas, resources, or information to share with you as you never know where a conversation might lead.
Meanwhile, dreamy Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces (also on the 21st) in your zone of allies and friendship. Neptune retrograde in this zone could push you to see someone for who they truly are while also motivating you to look to ways you can bring healing solutions to problems within your community. On the 26th, when Mercury moves into Leo, your zone of home and family, it’s time to reach out to someone you hold dear.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20):
While there may be a few hiccups here and there, you may barely feel them with all of the planetary energy that will be backing you this month. The good vibes begin on June 3 with a New Moon in Gemini lighting up your zone of self-image, confidence, and determination. With beautiful and charming Venus also entering Gemini on the 8th, you can expect your world to brighten up in each of these areas.
With the help of the new moon and Venus, look to ways to revamp and upgrade your wardrobe, hairstyle, or turn over a new leaf with your health especially if you’ve been wanting to feel better physically. Overall, seek to engage in activities that boost your confidence and allow others to see you shine.
With analytical Mercury entering Cancer, your zone of income and possessions on June 4, expect your sense of self-worth to be a focus. In terms of your finances, Mercury in Cancer can help you see where you’ve been selling yourself short and where you need to speak up about getting your due. In terms of how you manage your cash, Mercury asks that you establish a budget and stick closely to it.
Come June 17, the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your zone of partnership. Under this moon, you may have the revelation you need to end a relationship that feels restrictive or stagnant, take a casual partnership into a commitment, hire a couples counselor or therapist, or finalize an agreement. Either way this moon shows up for you, you’re reminded to give more attention to relationships that foster your growth while releasing those that don’t.
When the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, the second half of this month will be a good time to assess if what you’re investing your time and energy in is actually worth it. The power of Cancer lies in intuition, instinct, and self-nurturing. Utilize this power to determine if you need to cut your losses in a specific area of your life or if you need to start demanding better.
With dreamy Neptune beginning its five-month retrograde in Pisces, your zone of achievement and career, on the 21st as well, it’s time for you to get real about anything that you’ve been avoiding when it comes to your success. In other words, it’s time to put an end to any self-sabotaging habits. With Mercury entering creative and confident Leo, your zone of communication, on June 26—it’s time for a fresh approach, especially with the way you think.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22):
Happy Birthday, Cancer! If you’ve been wondering what you’ll be getting for your birthday, then look no further as the Universe always has a synchronistic way of giving us just what we need. For you, your blessings begin with a potent New Moon and lovely Venus activating your zone of dreams and healing. Look to this cosmic energy to guide you to the right places at the right time. As such, mark June 3 as an auspicious occasion, thanks to the New Moon in Gemini.
With Venus entering Gemini on June 8 and following closely behind this moon, consider this a time for beginning a new chapter in your self-care routine; one that will help you ramp up your ability to attract what you desire based on how good you feel and trust in the Universe.
Meditation, blissful alone time, and ample sleep will be your go-to resources this month. One caveat though: Since Venus is in charge of romantic relationships, be cautious about entering one now as you might not have all the info you need on this person. Though with Mercury entering Cancer on the 4th, and moving into your zone of confidence and self-image, your powers of intuition will be heightened this month so trust your instincts.
Meanwhile, with your birthday season kicking off this month, you’ll want to make sure you’re looking and feeling your best so you can embrace and take advantage of all the goodies getting ready to come your way. That’s why the Full Moon in Sagittarius landing in your zone of health and routine on June 17, will act as a cleanse or detox of sorts.
Use this full moon to change unhealthy habits that have been keeping you from living a more active life or draining of you your time and energy. If clutter has been an issue, this full moon can help you purge. When the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, turn on your light! Give yourself permission to be bold, daring, and go after what you want. Speak up. Command attention. Be a showoff. With this kind of cosmic magic behind you, the world will be more than willing to lay out the red carpet for you.
With dreamy Neptune going retrograde on the 21st in Pisces, your zone of travel and opportunity, it’s time to bust any myths or unattainable ideals that have limited you in any way. Since analytical Mercury will be moving to Leo, your zone of self-worth and income, on the 26th, you’ll be more than ready (and capable) to go after the things you really want. Know your worth.
Leo (July 23 - August 22):
Who are the people in your neighborhood? Better yet, who are the people in your network? During the first half of the month, your friends and associations are the focus for you thanks to the New Moon and Venus in Gemini, your zone of groups and alliances. Since part of the power of Gemini is connecting with, sharing with, and learning from others, look to the New Moon in Gemini on June 3 to help you to establishing new friendships and contacts.
With sociable Venus also entering Gemini on the 8th, this cosmic influence will be helping you to recharge your batteries through parties, events, and gatherings; making your friends (new and old) a vital part of your well-being. Since this cosmic energy will also help your popularity rise, expect to meet the right people through social media and the events you attend, who can help you with furthering your career or achieving your goals. Though with chatty Mercury entering Cancer, your zone of rest and retreat on the 4th, you’re encouraged to pay closer attention to the quality of your social connections, opposed to the quantity. Be mindful of spreading yourself thin and giving too much energy to people who consistently drain your cup and never fill it.
Come June 17, the Full Moon in Sagittarius activates your zone of adventure and romance. Under this moon you could end a dead-end love affair, say goodbye to the single life, or bring a passion project to completion. If you need to spread the word about something creative you’ve been doing, look to this moon to help you with getting the word out.
By the time the 21st rolls around, the Sun will move into Cancer, pushing you to take things behind the scenes for a while, which includes getting the rest and relaxation you need. Overall, look to Cancer season to be a time for you to emotionally purge the things that are no longer in alignment with you, your purpose, or your well-being.
With dreamy Neptune going retrograde on the 21st in Pisces, your zone of intimacy and finances, expect to be confronted with some uncomfortable truths in these areas over the next five months. Though know that what’s revealed will help you face your fears and put an end to unhealthy emotional entanglements and financial instability. By the end of the month (June 26) when Mercury enters Leo, your zone of confidence and self-image, the cosmos gifts with the power to speak what you want into being. Though doing so may require recognizing how your thoughts and words shape outcomes.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22):
Work, work, work, work, work. Your professional star continues to rise thanks to the New Moon and Venus in Gemini bringing the mojo to your zone of fame and ambition this month. If last month didn’t deliver the cosmic goods in this area of your life, look to the new moon on June 3 and Venus entering Gemini on June 8 to help you magnetize a promotion, a pay raise, or a new job that offers you a management or leadership role with the cushy perks to go with it.
With the new moon and Venus working on your behalf you could also garner some major public recognition from the media or notable people in your field. Overall, don’t be afraid to strut your stuff or to take credit for all the work that you’ve been putting in lately.
Know that whatever goodies come your way, you’re deserving of them; especially when it comes to any opportunity that can help take you and your career in a new direction. And with chatty Mercury entering Gemini on June 4, and activating your zone of friendships, expect the buzz about you and your reputation to travel fast. Take this as a good thing as it could bring you a financial opportunity or two. At the same time, hosting Mercury in this zone can be beneficial for your personal friendships too.
By the 17th, you may need to call on a friend or two as the Full Moon in Sagittarius activates your emotional zone of home and family. While this moon can amplify the feels, expect it to highlight where you could use more emotional nourishment and the things you can stand to release that no longer feed your soul. Under this moon you may have a revelation or make the decision to move house, break free of the past or a self-limiting belief, or put a family matter to rest.
With the Sun entering Cancer on the 21st, the spotlight turns back to your circle of friends and the people you know. Be mindful of doing the emotional labor for others and seek out those that reciprocate the love and care you give to them, especially with hazy Neptune beginning its five-month retrograde in Pisces, your zone of partnerships.
With Neptune retrograde it’s time to stop trying to rescue those that aren’t willing to rescue themselves. On a slightly different note, if you’ve been feeling the call to give back to your community or donate your time or resources to a worthy cause, use Cancer season to do it. On the 26th, when busy Mercury enters Leo, your zone of rest and retreat, it’s time to take a time out. Make your mental and spiritual health a priority.
Libra (September 23 - October 22):
Where have you been all your life? Living it, right? Of course. Though with the way the planets are aligning for you this month, you may feel like you haven’t really lived up until now. That’s because the New Moon and pleasure-seeking Venus will be in Gemini (a fellow Air sign) to bring you the kind of new adventures and new experiences that you’ve been craving.
It all starts on June 3 with an auspicious New Moon in Gemini lighting up your zone of travel, opportunity, and education. Since Venus will be following this moon and moving into Gemini on June 4, your source of pleasure and happiness can be found through traveling abroad, publishing, education, or taking a risk on something you’ve always wanted to do. Under this cosmic energy you’re pushed to move past any limitations that you’ve imposed on yourself.
Remember, there’s a big, wide world out there for you enjoy. Bigger and better will be the theme for you for most of June, especially as busy Mercury enters Cancer, your zone of career and achievement, on June 4. With Mercury here, you could receive a prestigious opportunity to show off your expertise or ideas in a professional setting. Study up and prepare to bring your A game.
On the 17th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your zone of communication which could bring a revelation of sorts that could help you see something or someone in a new light. Either way things go, know this moment of clarity will help you with releasing whatever isn’t working for you, especially when it comes to a certain way of thinking. At the same time, if there’s something you want to announce or share with the public, look to the full moon to help you spread the message.
When the confident Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, you could expect to receive some major recognition or kudos from the public or from some heavy-hitters in your field. Because this area of your chart also rules public status, some Libras may be looking to make that status married or engaged. Congrats! Meanwhile, also on the 21st, dreamy Neptune begins its five-month retrograde in Pisces, your zone of health and routine.
With the help of Neptune retrograde it might be time to admit where you may be overextending yourself to others and where you can better honor and protect your gifts. With Mercury entering Leo, your zone of friendship, on the 26th, socializing could bring cash.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):
Your focus during the first half of the month will be on finances and emotional intimacy. This is because you’ll have the New Moon and Venus in Gemini illuminating your zone of security and power. With the help of the New Moon in Gemini on June 3, you’re being called to start a new financial or emotional story. Since relationship and money-oriented Venus will be following this moon and entering Gemini on June 8, your magnetism will be turned up several notches.
Use the power of this moon and Venus to attract a soulmate or deeply intimate relationship or heal wounds you may have around love so you can be available to it, which might include freeing yourself of a relationship that drains your emotional, financial, or psychic energy. On a financial level, this moon and Venus will be working on your behalf to increase your sense of stability, which could happen by way of your partner (if you have one) or the receipt of an insurance or loan payout.
Meanwhile, with curious Mercury entering Cancer, your zone of travel and education, on June 4—expect a serious case of wanderlust. Look to this month as your cue to put your explorer’s hat on and see what the world has to offer.
When the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your income zone on June 17, use the power of this moon to help you end bad money habits or leave a work situation that undervalues or underpays you. Remember, the power of Sagittarius is about abundance and opportunity. Consider this moon as your siren song of change. Where to next, Scorpio? You don’t need to settle for crumbs.
Take the Full Moon in Sagittarius as a lesson on the importance of honoring your worth. No need to continue subscribing to an old story centered on lack. On the 21st, when the Sun moves into Cancer, it’s all about engaging new experiences and finding the silver lining in whatever clouds you might be facing. Also on the 21st, dreamy Neptune begins its five-month retrograde in Pisces, your zone of romance and creativity, it may be time to acknowledge the ways you may be approaching dating and your own talents in ways that you may be selling yourself short.
Towards the end of the month (June 26), chatty Mercury enters Leo, your zone of fame and achievement, pushing you into the spotlight. You could receive the chance to present your ideas to the public or receive widespread recognition for your work and expertise. Grab the mic and shine.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):
Like fellow Sagittarius Tina Turner once sang, “What’s love got to do with it?”—
the answer is a whole lot when it comes to June. This is due to the New Moon and Venus camping out in Gemini, your zone of marriage and partnership.
It all begins with the new moon on June 3, ushering in some fresh air for your love life. Since Venus will move into Gemini a few days later (June 8), look to this moon to help you find a new love; let go of any outdated beliefs that you may have around love; improve the quality of your connection between you and your sweetheart; or plan your wedding. Since this zone also handles business partnerships, this is also a good time to join forces with people who can help you grow your business, fine-tune your marketing strategy, or tap into a new client pool.
With chatty Mercury entering Cancer, your zone of intimacy and finances, on June 4, you could make some extra cash through a contract or commission-based opportunity. At the same time, Mercury in Cancer will also help you develop a strategy in saving money, reducing your debts, and improving your credit score.
On the 17th, there’s a Full Moon in Sagittarius activating your zone of self-will and self-image, use this moon to help you break free of anything standing in your way right now, which includes negative self-talk and things that may be dragging your energy and well-being down.
Overall, it’s time to step up and make the world remember your name. You’re a warrior Sag, it’s time for you to stop forgetting that. Though you won’t have to fight too hard for the attention you seek as the Sun entering Cancer on the 21st will be helping to ramp up your magnetism. You might find yourself looking for intimate, soulful connections now, romantically and otherwise, though beware of those who seek to drain you or need you to rescue them in some way. This theme will be especially strong as compassionate Neptune begins its five-month retrograde in Pisces, your zone of home and family, on June 21.
Under Neptune retrograde, you may be called to establish healthier boundaries with someone close to you. On the 26th, the energy lightens up (thankfully) as Mercury enters playful Leo, your zone of travel and opportunity. Look to Mercury in Leo to help you regain your sense of adventure and optimism for what’s to come.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
This month you’re all about productivity, details, and the state of your well-being thanks to the New Moon and Venus in Gemini activating your zone of health, work, and routine. It all begins on June 3, with a New Moon in Gemini motivating you to turn over a new leaf where it pertains to your work-life balance.
With the help of this moon and Venus in Gemini (June 8) you should look to ways that you can better manage and alleviate stress, scale back on those long work hours, and engage activities that insert a healthy dose of love and pleasure into your every day. If you’ve fallen off the wagon when it comes to your fitness or nutrition, look to the moon and Venus to help you get back on track. Though some self-discipline will be needed, this is not about punishing yourself into good health. Go easy on yourself, Cap.
Meanwhile, with communicative Mercury entering Cancer, your zone of partnership, on June 4, expect to come in contact with lots of new faces. If a contract or negotiation is on the table, Mercury will help things go well while collaborations with others can help you reach your goals quicker.
Come June 17, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will come along to illuminate your zone of dreams, healing, and endings. With this moon landing in a deeply sensitive and spiritual part of your chart, tap into the power of Sagittarius to help you with releasing or breaking free of self-doubt, fear, or a self-limiting belief. On a similar note, know that tears released at this time can be cleansing and healing. Have faith that the Universe is acting on your behalf. Under this full moon, you should receive some confirmation that it is.
When the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, you’re encouraged to lean on your partner or the person you can count on the most. June is not the time for trying to soldier through things alone. You have folks in your corner, utilize them. With dreamy Neptune going retrograde (also on the 21st) in Pisces, your zone of communication, expect your powers of intuition and creativity to be heightened. Look to Neptune retrograde to help you with aligning your head with your heart, by learning to listen to your heart and taking the logical steps to see it fulfilled. By the 26th, when Mercury enters Leo, your zone of intimacy and finances, honoring your desires and your feelings will get you far.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
First things first, Aquarius: This is your month to let loose. If there’s something on your bucket list you’ve been just itching to do, mark June as your month to get it done. Up until now it may have felt like you were being pulled in every direction, trying to juggle the many demands of your life. Though, through it all, you may have learned the importance of learning when to walk away, put down boundaries, and trusting your heart over your head. Now, thanks to the New Moon and Venus in Gemini—your zone of romance, creativity, and fun—it’s time to remember why you’re here. Hint: To experience your own brand of joie de vivre.
On June 3, the New Moon in Gemini paves the way for you to indulge in anything that sets your heart ablaze. With Venus entering Gemini on the heels of this new moon (June 8), use this cosmic influence to delve into your creative passions, enjoy a summer fling, or kickstart your sense of adventure. With analytical Mercury moving into Cancer (your zone of health and routine) on June 4, expect to be pushed to develop healthier ways to manage your time, energy, and responsibilities.
When the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your zone of friends and allies on the 17th, look to this moon to help you get the word out about a passion project or an event you’re coordinating. Another way you can use this moon is by helping you to tap into the courage you need to let go of the naysayers in your life. You don’t have to please everyone, Aquarius, so no need to keep trying.
Come the 21st, when the Sun moves into Cancer, you’ll have much more important things to deal with like your health and well-being. Look towards the second half of June to help you with getting your work and personal life into tip-top shape. At the same time, be mindful of overextending yourself to others or placing too much of an emphasis on what you do for other folks.
With compassionate Neptune going retrograde in Pisces (June 21) and in your zone of self-worth, you’ll be pushed to take a hard look at the ways you settle for too little and give way too much. It’s time to balance things out. By the 26th, Mercury enters Leo and moves into your zone of partnerships which could bring you extra cash and fun experiences by joining forces with others.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
Your home and private life take up most of your attention this month as the New Moon and Venus in Gemini set your home and family zones abuzz. The action begins on June 3 with the new moon coming in to help you make a fresh start where it pertains to your living space. Since this moon will be followed closely by Venus in Gemini (June 8), think about things that bring harmony, beauty, or sense of abundance to where you live.
Use the New Moon to declutter your home, make plans to move, or research and implement plans to rent out your home or take in a roommate as a means of generating additional income. Since Venus loves making things fun and pleasurable, this could also be a good time to host a party or gathering at your home, or find more ways to spend time with your loved ones. And speaking of fun, with curious Mercury moving into Cancer (June 4), your zone of romance and creativity, June is also a month for you to be more proactive about engaging activities and hobbies that bring you joy. In terms of romance, Mercury in Cancer can help you to meet new and interesting love matches.
On the 17th, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your zone of career and ambition. With the help of this full moon, you could end up receiving public accolades for your work, a possible step up in your career, or the push you need to make a leap or change in your career. Either way, expect this moon to push you out of your comfort zone while reminding you that anything is possible if you believe it.
By the time the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, your creative energy is stoked. Use this time to share a gift or talent with the world that can help you with building your confidence. Authenticity is another theme for you this month, especially as Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces (June 21) over the next five months and in your zone of self-image. Look to Neptune retrograde to help you with being more of your authentic self and rejecting other people’s projections, ideals, or expectations of you. You are your own person, Pisces.
Come June 26th, Mercury moves into Leo, your zone of health and routine, making your life extra busy. As such, use the power of discernment to help you figure out who and what deserves your attention. Hint: It’s ok to say no.