Patrick Pierre/Unsplash
When you’re wondering what you should do in a situation or if what you did, was the right call, who do you turn to for moral support? Who are the people in your life who don’t judge you, are always there holding you up, reassuring you, andadvising you if requested?
I’m lucky to have a strong support system made up of my friends and my boyfriend. Most of the time, I go to one friend, in particular, one I’ve known practically forever, who I’ve seen improve her own decision-making skills and is someone I consider a genius at life. I talk to her about everything. Sometimes she just listens and lets me work it out for myself, and other times she might give a suggestion or mention when she was in a similar situation and what she did. I always feel better about things after talking to her and more confident in the actions I take.
We all need someonewhomwe can go to for guidance with those issues that aren’t easily deciphered. We don’t want someonewho willtell us what we want to hear but someone who will help us to take the right kinds of actions, make the best decisions, and be brave enough to stand by them. It’s essential that they have your best interests at heart, without a hidden agenda.
Moral support is emotional support, and it helps to quiet the negative self-talk in your head. When you confide in someone,it helps you to stop overthinkingand worrying as much.
“Good support is less about saying the exact right thing and more about putting in the effort to try to understand what another person is going through, and then helping, when appropriate, in ways that don’t minimize or magnify a difficult situation. Small acts of kindness that come from a place of genuine caring and concern can go a long way,” says JulianaBreines, Ph.D. in anarticlein “Psychology Today.”
When you go to someone for moral support: they must be trustworthy, wise, and cautious. If they’re too impulsive or distracted, they won’t consider everything before advising you.
There are many people and places that you can turn to for moral support, such as your spouse/partner, family members, spiritual leaders, therapists, mentors, colleagues, or your own self. If there’s no one you feel comfortable with, thenconsider a support groupfor there are many different kinds (both online and in real-time), and you’re sure to find one that fits.
Here’s what others had to say about where they went for moral support and how getting moral support helps them to keep motivated and to moveforward.
“One day, I called my two girlfriends, who are also content creators, and we made a pact. We would meet weekly and share highs and lows from the week. We would also set goals, pitch ideas to each other, and provide real feedback.”- LADunn, Owner Black Girls Eat, LLC
“Where I’d go for moral support used to be my mother, but she died in January 2018. I used to call her about everything from my spouse to my kids, and she would always give me the right advice. Now, since her death, I go to my guy cousin, who is 4 years older than me. He gives me moral support and tells me he’s proud of me all the time.” - Abby Ayoola
“I find my moral support from within. In pursuit of my many goals, relying on myself and knowing I’m capable of pushing through what life throws at me is key.” - ChristianSismone
“My husband is my strongest advocate and ally when I need moral support. As someone who likes to tackle life herself, I sometimes don’t have the energy to keep moving. This is where my husband encourages me every step of the way. This could look like a pep talk after I have a panic attack from my recurring anxiety or agreeing to overtime so I can have more flexibility with my company. He lifts my spirits when I don’t believe in myself but is also there to light a fire underneath me to keep me going.”- Kaylin Staten
“I get my moral support from my mother-in-law on a regular basis. I know that’s an odd person to go to for support, but she is like a second mother to me. Whenever I need help with my child-rearing or even when there’s a problem with my husband, I go to her for advice. She’s not biased at all when it comes to my husband and has given him a call to get him in line on multiple occasions!” - Becky Beach,
“For moral support, I go to my husband, who is one of my biggest motivators but is also honest and can help me see the big picture. While we need to have someone in our corner for motivation, it’s also important to have someone who will tell us like it is and let us know when we’re in over our heads.” - Robyn Flint
“My church offers me unparalleled moral support. I live thousands of miles away from my family, and while they’re incredibly supportive and always there for me, but when I need immediate physical support, my church family fulfills my needs.” - Melanie Musson
It may not always be easy to ask for help or support, but sometimes you need someone outside yourself to help you see what you’re missing or to help guide you in another direction. Asking for help or receiving it gratefully, doesn’t make you weak or needy—instead, it makes you strong. The most independent and confident person in the world still needs to have someone supporting them and giving them alternative ways of looking at a problem.