We’ve all been there where we either call the wrong number, or someone called us with the wrong number. The conversation usually goes something like this: “Hi, is this ___?” “Hey, nope this is ____. I think you have the wrong number.” “Oops, sorry about that! Bye.”
Simple as that.
This wasn’t the case for Grandma Margaret and Callie Hall.
A year ago, Margaret (who goes by Grandma Margaret), called her grandson Barry. Barry didn’t answer, so Grandma Margaret left a voicemail.
“Hey Barry! This is Grandma Margaret. Bring that extra pair of pants to hem by. Okay? Anytime in the afternoon, I’ll be in the afternoon. In the afternoon, I’ll hem them. Okay. Love y’all, later,” Grandma said.
The only thing was, this wasn’t Barry’s phone. The number actually belonged to a girl named Callie Hall.
“And I listened to it. I was like, ‘Ah that’s not for me.’ It’s obviously someone’s grandma calling, and I called her back,” said Callie in an interview. Grandma Margaret answered the phone and realized her mistake, but kept calling Callie, thinking it was Barry’s number (their numbers are only different by one number, so I totally get Grandma Margaret’s confusion!).
Callie would say things like “Hey, it’s still me, not Barry.” Grandma Margaret could have easily just ended the phone calls there, but instead would check up on Callie and see how she was doing. Grandma Margaret would always ask Callie questions to get to know her better. Pretty soon, Grandma Margaret was intentionally calling Callie on a weekly basis to chat.
“Hi Callie, this is Grandma Margaret. Just calling to say that I love you, and you have a good day. And when you get the chance, give me a call, okay? Love you, later,” is just one of many voicemails that Grandma Margaret would leave to Callie (brb, I need to grab some tissues...I think there’s something in my eyes).
Grandma Margaret didn’t know it, but she was helping Callie get through a really rough time. During this time, Callie had found out some really bad news: her parents were getting a divorce. Callie was devastated and needed a friend to talk to. Grandma Margaret calling her on a weekly basis and checking up on her helped Callie get through this difficult time.
“Whenever the days are sad, I’m busy and I can’t call her, I can always listen to the voicemails,” said Callie (there must be a lot of dust in my room, my eyes keep tearing up!).
After a year of calling each other on a weekly basis, the two besties decided to meet up. Callie drove out of town to visit Grandma Margaret at her house. When they eventually met, they embraced each other in a tight hug and couldn’t stop smiling.
“It was real nice the first time we met. It was real nice. She is just somebody special to me. She knows how to show love, and just look at her face! She’s got a smile on her face all the time,” said Grandma Margaret. Grandma Margaret even called Callie “her little girl.”
“I look up to her like she’s my grandma. We’re like best,” said Callie.
An accidental call turned into a forever friendship for these two.
Callie and Grandma Margaret are floored and appreciated that so many people are loving their story. Callie took to her Facebook account on April 19 to say:
“To everyone that has viewed, liked, and shared the story about Grandmama Margaret and I: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! It means so much to us and is truly appreciated. Grandmama Margaret is an incredible woman and I am beyond blessed to have her in my life. I called her today and told her how many people have seen our story and she said, “I’m filled with joy and feel blessed to know that our story is out. It is so important to love one another and always show kindness.” I could not agree more with Grandmama Margaret! Don’t spread hate, spread love and joy. You never know what people are going through. Love one another and spread love and joy everyday. Thank you so much for all the sweet messages and comments. Thank you for all the views, likes, and shares. We are overwhelmed with happiness that we are able to spread more joy through our story. As Grandmama Margaret says, love y’all later!”
The video of Callie and Grandma Margaret meeting was posted by “Humankind Stories” on their Facebook page. The video has more than 39 million views in just three weeks. The numbers are a true testament to how people love learning about heartwarming stories like this. There were 1,500+ comments on the Facebook video, all positive and sharing their happiness for this friendship.
Michele Fasula DuPont What a sweet story, love and blessings to both of them.
Michelle Klein This is so beautiful. Crying tears of joy. Truly a blessing.
Denyse Williamson Wow so sweet - loving Grandma Margaret found her kindred spirit in young and very sweet Ms. Callie❤️
Wende Holloway Marcantel This is absolutely precious!! We should all strive to be Callie & Grandma Margaret!! I just love this story! ❤️😍
Aprile Renee Oh my goodness,this makes my heart full!!..I love it!!....This is the sweetest ever!!!!....Nothing but SWEET LOVE!!!...God bless both of your sweet hearts!!🙏🏼♥️♥️
Deanna Conigliaro Two beautiful souls that came together in times of need. I love this! ❤️❤️
JuJu Pips Such a beautiful, heartwarming story.. can Grandma Margaret call me?
Tammy Aberle Did Barry ever get his pants hemmed?🤣 Truly, sweet friends! Warms the heart!
Patti Lenker Potis Grandma Margaret and Callie are both so sweet and kind. You never know who you will meet by chance and kindness costs kind.
Shontell Buxton Love this!! ❤ You never know what somebody is going through and the wrong call just made this bond beautiful.
Larry Conner Beautiful story, this is how life needs to be. Fantastic!
Laura Burt I need Grandma Margaret in my life.
Rose Cook Harvey Awe!!!! Great story. Two loving hearts coming together, creating a friendship of a lifetime. Love this!!!!
Rebecca Nash Aw I want a grandma Margaret.
Annree Douglas That's what I'm talking about!!! Yes, kindness and love is free and a kind word can brighten someone's day
Laura Ebbert Wilmoth Beautiful. This grandmother...her open love of people is making me cry (good cry!) because she is very much like my mother (who passed a couple years ago now). She, and my mom, are how we all need to be. ❤️❤️❤️
Antionette Hamilton We need more grandma Margaret's and Callies in the world, grandma Margaret will make you fall in love with her, this is genuine and unconditional love two beautiful ladies, it brought a tear to my eye to see these two embrace each other for the first time 💖😍
Jill Daumler Pein We need more stories like this on Facebook and in our world. People are more alike than different. We all need attention and love and acceptance. These two gave of themselves genuinely! I’m tearing up watching this.
Michelle Bruno I absolutely love this! I miss my grams every single day but I know she’s still with me 💕 love you grandma Margaret, later!!
Nancy Prindiville I love this story! It’s so beautiful!! Grandma Margaret is so adorable! So happy they found each other! God bless them both!
Felicia Kline Awwwe, too cute. You never know who might cross your path. What a wonderful testimony to how we can all be blessed just by being nice to strangers. 💕
Kathy Fox Hammett I have a huge smile on my face. They are, both, so lucky to have met each other. Happy and sweet story!
Lorraine Cubler-Kotarski Such a beautiful story! Makes my heart so happy that chance brought them together and they embraced each other. Two sweethearts Grandma Margaret and Callie. We all should take a page from their book.💗💗
Lucy Avila Aww! This is so sweet! Two beautiful kind hearts 💕
Ellen Johnston This is absolutely beautiful!! I luv Grandma Margaret’s spirit. She is an amazing woman full of joy and has plenty of love to give!!!! 😊 God bless her.
Jane Swerdlick Bleich Beautiful story and I’m sure they will be good friends forever ❤️
All these comments truly sum it up; you never know what someone is going through and you never know how just a little bit of kindness on your end could mean the absolute world to them. I think we could all be a bit more like Grandma Margaret and Callie. I encourage you all to go out and spread more love and positivity into this world, just like how these two beautiful women have done for each other.