I'm beginning to find as much humor in negative law of attraction as I can excitement in positive law of attraction.
Law of Attraction doesn't discriminate, and that's what makes it an excellent tool for defining your life. The consistency of it means you have the choice to determine your immediate and long-term future. When you're aware of how you feel, and how the experiences you're having make you feel, then you're better able to clearly see the evidence of the law of attraction at work. When I was an angry young fighter, I found fights everywhere. Now, I'm a lover, and I swear that everyone who meets me loves me.
As the creator of my experience here on Earth, I must claim my power by acknowledging that I both created the love I received and the fights I received. Sure, maybe I didn't walk up to people and instigate an argument, but my anger and frustration made it, so I was in the right place, right time, and the right situation to be the focus of someone else's anger.
I was having an emotionally rough few days last week. I was pissed off, beating myself up mentally and not being a good friend to myself. One night I took a quick break from my internal rampage to take Teddy (my good boy) outside to potty. Out of nowhere, from across the parking lot, a stranger yelled at me "BITCH!...BITCH!"
It was the most ridiculous thing that's ever happened to me. But, I just had to laugh it off because I knew exactly how I found myself in that moment. What I experienced was the law of attraction putting me in the right place at the right time to be the focus of someone else's negative energy. Rather than going deeper into my negativity spiral I laughed my way into the clarity that Mr. Stranger man was merely mirroring how I'd been treating myself and therefore I felt immense appreciation. Every experience is an opportunity for growth.