I love Bamboo Bags! If there was any trend to follow this is one that was a must for me. Some call them Basket Bags or the Ark Bag but they are these bamboo wood structured clutches that make you look like your travel to far off countries, only eat the finest cuisines, and speak five languages. So classy and simple, yet so fun and adventures. Bamboo Bags have already been named the “It Bag” for the last few seasons and have gained a crazy amount of admirers.
Bamboo Circle Bag by Cult Gaia
$215 at the time of publication
To give you a little background: The original design for the Ark Bamboo Bag came from L.A. based boho brand Cult Gaia and the bag rose to fame without a single advertisement. It was all through the power of Instagram that it got its notability. Influencers and Fashionistas were on the bag like white on rice (excuse my very black idiom).
Small Bamboo Ark Bag by Cult Gaia
$150 at the time of publication
You may have seen some of your favorite stars rocking the bag already. Michelle Williams was caught with the Ark Bag while shopping a market in Rome. Just to reiterate what I said before, she did look well traveled, fine cuisine fed, and like she could spit some flawless Italian with her fabulous bag in tow.
PHOTO: Ernesto Ruscio/Getty
So, I purchased my super chic Bamboo Bag from Revolve and then realized I had a huge problem: I am a Grandma! Meaning I typically carry around a huge purse with my whole entire life in it (five different lip glosses, every insurance card I have ever owned, my pain meds,hard candy at the bottom). It's an endless pit of stuff. Bringing your entire life and Bamboo Bags don’t mix so here are some helpful steps in case you have the same problem.
Round Bamboo Bag by Cult Gaia
$208 at the time of publication
Zaha Bag by Cult Gaia
$198 at the time of publication
How To Wear A Bamboo Bag
Less is more. To make this work you have to start thinking about what are your essentials. What do you really need? For me, its a few must: Keys, Phone, and Wallet. From there everything else is debatable. Do I really need five lipglosses? Pick one of your favorites and Throw it in the bag *Fabolous voice*
Even with my essentials it can get a little bulky. I have a huge phone case, there is a long lanyard on my keys, and I have a fat wallet with tons of cards in it! I opted on switching to a more slender case, ditched the lanyard for a cute keychain, and took out all of the cards I don't actually use from my wallet. It looked like my wallet went on a whole weight loss regimen. I can save money by leaving the credit cards at home anyway!
And by visualize, I mean to see yourself out on the town with your bag so you can assess what you may need. For example, I typically bring my phone charger with me because my phone is always dying. I won’t have that option now so I need to prepare beforehand and actually charge my phone at home. Some friends of mine like to reapply makeup throughout the day. Instead of bringing your makeup bag in your purse like you usually do try waterproof or long-lasting eyeliner and mascara. Make your life easier!
Yes, I made that word up. But, it still means protecting the environment. When you're checking out at the store say “No, I’m ok without the receipt”. Have them email it to you. Save trees! You look a mess with all that rolled up paper in your bag.
Finally, Mesmerize, after all those steps are complete get out there and live your best bamboo bagged life! I think the bag compliments well with a colorful sundress or maxi like this one I found with Revolve. Accessorize more with a sunhat and wrap ankle sandals to match the bamboo. You’re due for a nice stroll in the park or a trip to the bookstore to get a good read. Might as well visit the museum while you're at it Mrs. Cultured!