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8 Ways To Raise Your Vibration This Fall

raise your vibration

Some fool-proof ways to raise your vibration

Believe it or not, summer is not over. The autumnal equinox is, however, right around the corner and will occur on September 22nd at exactly 9:54pm. This will officially mark the start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere (and the start of spring in the Southern Hemisphere).

The word “equinox” actually derives from Latin and means “equal night.” Simply put, this means it’s one of only two days in the year when day-time is equal to night-time (the spring equinox being the second).

Spiritually, this equinox represents, not only a change in seasons but a celebration of all the efforts that have been made since the last equinox. It’s also a pure celebration of our collective soul’s harvest and acknowledging all the changes we’ve gone through as human beings.

While we never really need a specific holiday, season, or astrological moment to raise your vibration… it certainly doesn’t hurt to use it for momentum. So as we celebrate everything that is fall, it’s also the perfect time to celebrate everything that is you.

Hopefully, you’ve already caught up on September’s self-care guide and know that change is coming. Forget wilting, hibernating, and rusting… below are 8 ways to make your vibration brilliant and golden this coming season. Rituals are optional.

Set intentions

One of my favorite parts of a yoga class is setting an intention to start. I always go for something I’ve been struggling with and give myself the opportunity to heal it through my practice. I look at fall in the same way. This is the perfect time for me to trust in my journey, be specific with what I want, be adventurous, and take a risk on my heart by setting powerful intentions to guide me moving forward.

Declutter life

As the leaves change and fall away, I plan to follow their lead and let go of things that no longer serve me. I’m moving towards deleting a few of my social media apps and a handful of clothes I never wore this summer. For me, this is also a good moment to consider bad habits to let go of, but for others, it could be a good opportunity to re-think any toxic relationships.

Good tunes only

I enjoy picking music that directly speaks to my soul and makes me feel like I could do anything in the world. When I need a pick-me-up, I listen to Confidence Boost on Spotify. Once fall hits, I’ll transition between Autumn Trends when I need to relax and Happy Beats when I want to dance around my apartment (pants optional).

Go outside

One of my favorite parts about fall is going hiking and seeing the world change from above because it really makes me think of the bigger picture. Hiking or not, I also adore watching the earth change colors around me because it really reminds me that we all go through cycles as human beings, and it makes me more aware of the small changes that happen within me all the time.

By spending more time outside, I appreciate the sheer beauty that constantly surrounds me but I’m sometimes too busy to notice. The more time I spend outdoors (preferably spinning around barefoot or playing frisbee in a park, beach, or backyard) the more I start to notice the beauty in myself too.


I love taking a moment (or 30 minutes of moments to be exact) to let go of everything, sit in silence, and let change happen through me.

Only have six minutes of moments to let go? No worries, I’ve got that too.


I’ve committed to using this time to practice gratitude, reflect on everything I’ve managed to do this year, and spend time alone to do it. I know for me this isn’t always easy because I tend to focus too much on what I haven’t done yet. So lately I’ve really been focusing on giving myself more credit and truly recognizing the abundance in my life. I’ll admit that positive reflection is sometimes incredibly hard to do, but I always surprise myself when I do it. I’ve found that writing it down always makes for a cathartic experience when I reread it down the road.

Get your witches together

I adore surrounding myself with people who lift me up, make me feel like a goddess, and celebrate my inner badass on a daily basis. Maybe we’ll go out and celebrate fall with an old fashion dance party paired with pumpkin spice martinis or maybe we’ll have a low-key girls night doing all of the above together in our pajamas. Truth be told, it’s worth doing this every season.

Inspire change in others

One incredible way to raise one’s vibration is to raise the vibration of others. I follow people like Jeremy Goldberg, of Long Distance Love Bombs, who is making kindness cool and my dear friend Whitney Hawkins, a mental health therapist out of Miami, who is breaking the taboo of therapy one social post as a time.

They raise my vibration, and I use them as an example to share love, inspiration, and good vibes with everyone I come in contact with. If together we amplify the positive energy in the universe, just imagine the kind of world we would live in. If all else fails, I think a hug always works.

What this equinox really comes down to celebrating that change, offering you seasonal momentum... and another reason to simply celebrate being alive.